2016年1月27日 星期三

Ingrown nails

Ingrown nails are nails whose corners or sides of the nails dig painfully into the skin, often causing infection. They are frequently caused by improper nail trimming but also by shoe pressure, injury, fungus infection, heredity, and poor foot structure. Toenails should be trimmed straight across, slightly longer than the end of the toe. If the ingrown portion of the nail is painful or infected, our podiatrist may remove the affected portion; if the condition reoccurs frequently, our podiatrist may remove the ingrown nail surgically under local anaesthetic.

Reference information: http://www.podi.com.hk/en/skin-toenail-part2.html#topic2
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

