2013年12月25日 星期三

超聲波導引注射治療 (Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy)

1. 什麼是超聲波導引注射? 

超聲波導引注射是一種能有效對付蜘蛛網狀血管及靜脈曲張的方法。 在治療期間,醫生會把藥物注射到有毛病的靜脈,有需要時以超聲波儀器協助。藥物會黏實血管壁,令有問題的靜脈萎縮。

2. 如何進行超聲波導引注射? 

病人一般毋須接受麻醉, 醫生會在超聲波儀器的協助及監察下, 以針筒把藥物注射到有問題的靜脈,令靜脈壁發生無菌性炎症,從而堵塞及封閉患病的靜脈 , 治療過程十分精確。病人有需要時可以接受多次的注射,確保所有曲張的靜脈均被封閉處理。

3. 注射治療有何好處? 


資料來源: veno.com.hk

2013年12月24日 星期二

女士蜘蛛網狀血管 - 蜘蛛網狀靜脈



 蜘蛛網狀血管與靜脈瓣膜閉鎖不全引起的血液逆流有關。女士們出現蜘蛛網狀血管的機會是男士的四倍;而七成的成年女性,在一生中曾經患有蜘蛛網狀血管。 蜘蛛網狀血管的出現或受荷爾蒙分泌的影響,例如懷孕及服食口服避孕藥的女士,出現蜘蛛網狀血管的機會會較高。





注射治療是利用十分幼細的針筒,把藥物注射到有問題的靜脈, 藥物會令血管壁內層閉塞,達到堵塞及封閉血管的效果。




資料來源: veno.com.hk

2013年12月20日 星期五

如何診斷靜脈曲張? - 超聲波血管掃描(Duplex Ultrasound Scan)

診斷靜脈曲張除了需要根據患者的病歷,由經驗豐富的專科醫生為患者進行臨床檢查亦十分重要,至於超聲波血管掃描(Duplex Ultrasound Scan)則更能準確顯示功能不良的靜脈血管,有助醫生為病人制訂合適的治療方案。


資料來源: veno.com.hk

壓力襪 - 壓力襪作用,靜脈曲張






壓力襪一般分為兩大類: 預防及醫療型。預防型的壓力襪是適合沒想到患上靜脈曲張的人穿著,可按照個人喜好來選擇壓力襪的鬆緊度。而醫療型的壓力襪是按照靜脈曲張患者的小腿淋巴腫脹程度來選擇。




資料來源: veno.com.hk

2013年12月12日 星期四

蜘蛛網狀血管處理? - 蜘蛛網狀血管療程



1 ) 注射治療是利用十分幼細的針筒,把藥物注射到有問題的靜脈, 藥物會令血管壁內層閉塞,達到堵塞及封閉血管的效果。


2) 皮膚射頻 此治療是針對皮膚表面細小的蜘蛛網狀靜脈,以高頻產生集中性的能量,把細小的靜脈封閉,令其消失.

資料來源: veno.com.hk

2013年12月11日 星期三


結合劑的名稱是 Sapheon (CyanoAcrylate) 它的原理就好像強力膠水般,當注進有問題的靜脈, 便能把靜脈封閉。 手術只需極小量的局部麻醉,及一個很小的傷口,在超聲波的監測下,把導管放致適 當位置, 再注入結合劑。 這是比較新的治療, 短期效果理想; 但長遠成效的硏究仍在進行中

資料來源: veno.com.hk

2013年12月5日 星期四

靜脈曲張搭長途機易出事 - 經濟客艙症候群

經濟客艙症候群風險高 造成肺栓塞致命


深層靜脈栓塞俗稱經濟客艙症候群,即長時間坐飛機或乘搭長途車時,雙腳垂下加上活動少,影響血液回流積聚在腿部靜脈,血塊會經靜脈流致肺部,造成即時肺栓 塞。外科專科醫生謝卓華指出,有報告指,在5,000名長途機乘客中,約4%乘機後出現深層靜脈栓塞,但大部份沒有症狀,只在超聲波掃描才可發現。


曾有一名50多歲居於英國的女士,患靜脈曲張多年,病情輕微,只有青筋突出,多年一直未有理會,退休後準備環遊世界,豈料在首站由英國飛本港的10多小時 航程,右腿已出現腫脹、痛楚並難以走路,抵港後即時求診。謝卓華指出,她當時靜脈已形成血塊,入院後即時為她注射抗凝血劑,以防血栓惡化,幸好觀察多日後 未出現肺栓塞情況。外國曾有靜脈曲張患者,乘搭10多小時飛機後,因引發深層靜脈栓塞致死個案。

他建議,患有靜脈曲張患者可注射硬化劑治療,方法是先透過超聲波引道,找出靜脈血塊積聚位置再注射硬化劑,破壞靜脈血管壁的蛋白質,令問題靜脈收縮,最終 由身體吸收逐漸消失。好處是病人不用接受麻醉,能對付大蜘蛛網狀血管及細小靜脈曲張,但要視乎病情或可能要接受多次性注射。其他治療方法包括靜脈腔內消融 術及外科手術。


  • 上機前應穿着壓力襪
  • 不時在座位上進行
  • 腿部伸展運動
  • 坐着時不要蹺腳
  • 多離開座位走動
  • 勿穿緊身褲
  • 多飲水,少飲含酒精飲品

資料來源: www.veinexperts.org/

2013年12月4日 星期三

靜脈腔內激光治療(Endovenous Laser Therapy) - 靜脈腔內激光治療好處

1. 靜脈腔內激光是什麼? 靜脈腔內激光是一種微創的靜脈曲張治療方法,創傷性遠低於傳統 的大隱靜脈抽取手術,並因造成的疤痕較少而為病人提供更理想的外觀。 治療的原理是於靜脈血管內(靜脈腔內)使用激光能量,以破壞已有毛病的血管。

2. 如何進行靜脈腔內激光治療? 靜脈腔內激光治療程序可於診所進行,病人在過程中完全清醒,而醫生亦會利用超聲波儀器監察血管狀況。



3. 靜脈腔內激光治療與傳統手術有何分別? 與傳統抽取血管手術比較,靜脈腔內激光治療的創傷性較低,傷口較小,病人亦毋須全身麻醉,康復也較快,手術後疼痛、傷口紅腫等情況亦較輕微。

4. 接受靜脈腔內激光治療後要多久才可以恢復正常活動? 病人在治療後, 稍經休息已經可以落地行走,日常生活基本上不受任何影響,約兩星期後可以恢復運動。

5. 靜脈腔內激光治療有何好處? 靜脈腔內激光治療一般只需要局部麻醉,故適合絕大多數的病人使用,即使本身患有疾病或服食藥物而不能全身麻醉的病人亦可以接受此治療。而治療的傷口較全统手術小,傷口腫脹及痛楚等後遺症亦較輕,大部分人完成治療後即日可恢復正常活動。

6. 靜脈腔內激光治療是否適用於各類靜脈曲張? 大部分的靜脈曲張也可以靜脈腔內激光處理,但此療法主要針對較大的靜脈曲張,並不適合用於處理較幼細、過於彎曲或異常的血管。目前有很多不同的方法,處理靜脈曲張及蜘蛛網狀血管,醫生會因應你的情況幫助您作出適當的選擇。

資料來源:  veno.com.hk

2013年11月29日 星期五

What a Varicose Vein Looks Like After a Phlebectomy

What a varicose vein looks like

Appears smaller, because the vein contracts and there is no blood flowing through it. This is what a varicose vein looks like after it is removed by phlebectomy. The needle points to the ballooning of the vein (dilatation). This commonly occurs just after the valve, which is not functioning properly. The bulges you see under the skin, in many instances are the dilated areas the needle is pointing to.

Reference information: www.veinexperts.org/
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年11月27日 星期三

How Do Veins Work?

Blood flows through a system of blood vessels, which are veins and arteries. Arteries carry blood rich in oxygen from your heart to all regions of the body. The function of veins is to transport the blood back to the heart. In order for veins to work, the valves must close all the way to prevent backflow of blood. When the muscles in your calf contract; blood is squeezed from the veins. When the muscles in your calf relax, the valves in the veins temporarily close to prevent the blood from flowing away from the heart, in the wrong direction!

In your legs, there are 3 types of veins; superficial, perforating, and deep veins. Think of the perforating veins as connecting the superficial veins to the deep veins. If you are standing, superficial veins run vertically, just beneath the surface of the skin and are often times visible to the naked eye. Superficial veins are responsible for transporting as little as 10% of the blood in the legs. The 10% of blood carried in the superficial veins flow directly into the perforating veins. The perforating veins run perpendicular to superficial veins and again, their function is to connect the superficial veins to the deep veins. Deep veins are located deep within the muscle of your leg and run parallel to superficial veins. Deep veins are responsible for transporting as much as 90% of the blood in your legs back to your heart.

How Veins Work

Reference information: www.veinexperts.org/
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年11月21日 星期四

Varicose Vein Treatment

Common Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

The commonly used treatment options for varicose veins include; compression therapy, thermal ablation, sclerotherapy, phlebectomy and high ligation and stripping. It is important to familiarize yourself with these treatment types and then discuss the best option with your doctor. Most experts in the field of venous disease consider thermal ablation to be the safest, simplest, and most effective treatment type in producing the best long-term results when treating GSV or SSV problems.

Compression Therapy

This conservative treatment is aimed at wearing compression stockings. While this may alleviate some of the symptoms of varicose veins, it does not stop progression of the venous disease. Compression is measured in mmHg. Most people cannot tolerate more than 30 mmHg for prolonged periods of time. Compression therapy is typically used to temporarily relieve symptoms associated with varicose veins and is not a long-term solution to the underlying problem.

Thermal Ablation

This is done with either a laser or radio frequency (RF) catheter. The aim of both of these treatments is it to destroy the vein from the inside using heat. This requires a local anesthetic and an ultrasound. A small needle puncture is made in the saphenous vein. A guide wire is introduced through the needle and over this wire a catheter is placed. The catheter allows for the insertion of the laser filament or (RF) catheter. The filament is directed to just below where the saphenous vein comes off of the femoral vein (3cm below). Next the tumescent solution is placed around the saphenous vein and the laser is then activated and gradually pulled back along the course of the vein. A slightly different technique is used with RF. This heat damages the inside of the vein and over a period of time the vein scars and disappears.
Varicose Vein Treatment Options

Complications are possible with any medical procedure, however, are rare with thermal ablation. There is a very low incidence of deep venous thrombosis (clot) - (DVT) and infections and skin burns are very rare. Most patients have minor issues such as bruising and discomfort in the thigh. Walking soon after a treatment is encouraged. Tumesecent anesthetic is a very dilute solution of xylocaine, sodium bicarbonate, and epinephrine and in most patients, less than 500 cc is needed. A safe dose is over 3 liters.

In this photo, the catheter is placed in the saphenous vein. You can see the laser filament here just before it is placed in the catheter. Once the filament has been placed, tumescent solution is placed around the vein and laser firing begins.

Reference information: www.veinexperts.org/
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年11月20日 星期三

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose VeinsVaricose veins are large swollen veins that bulge under the skin and are typically blue or green in color. An abnormal valve or a weakened vessel wall causes the bulging. In a normally functioning vein, the valve prevents blood flowing in the wrong direction back towards the foot. In a varicose vein, the valve is damaged and does not close properly. This allows blood to escape backwards when muscles relax. The result is increased pressure in the vein causing it to become swollen with excess blood. Varicose veins can occur anywhere on the leg.
Superficial Vein System 
The Great Saphenous Vein (GSV) and the Small Saphenous Vein (SSV) are the two major veins of the superficial vein system in the legs. The (GSV) is the longest superficial vein which extends from the groin to the foot. The SSV runs from the back of the calf to the lateral ankle. Many superficial veins branch off of both the GSV and the SSV.
If you have a varicose vein, there is a strong probability that it is the result of one of the many valves failing in the GSV/SSV. In a GSV/SSV that functions normally, the valves will close to prevent backflow. When one of the valves functions abnormally in the GSV/SSV, it often causes the GSV/SSV to gradually become larger in diameter. When this happens, the increased pressure causes one of the branching superficial veins that are closer to the surface of the skin to develop into a varicose vein.

 Reference information: www.veinexperts.org/veins/varicose-veins.asp
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年11月15日 星期五




美國梅約醫療中心(Mayo Clinic)血管微創中心教授William Stone指,主動脈瘤會令血管壁變薄及失去彈性,一旦無法承受血液流通便會爆破,死亡率達八成。







資料來源:  東方日報

2013年11月12日 星期二


本港的外科界,其中一個較大的專科,英文名稱為Genereal Surgery, 中文譯作「普通外科」。個人覺得英文名稱較貼切,因這專科,涉及的手術範圍比較廣,由頭頸、食道、肝膽胰、乳房、腸胃、創傷、血管等,一律是此專科的範疇,絕不簡單。但中文名稱就好像給人一點「普普通通」的感覺;名稱的出處我未有深究,但總覺得可以有較好的叫法。


實際上,每一位普通外科醫生,除一般常見的手術外,大部份會再專注於一些複雜及高風險的分科手術,例如食道、肝臟及血管等。 隨着醫學知識及科技一日千里, 醫生要精通所有手術,己是天方夜譚,所以這些分科的手術也慢慢向着專科化演變。 在很多國家, 這方面已很成熟,病人有很多公開渠道找所需醫生。






資料來源:  晴報


2013年11月6日 星期三

How is the diagnosis of Peripheral Arterial Disease?

Peripheral Arterial Disease can be firstly screened by measuring the blood pressure of ankle and brachial, then calculate the Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI). 

If the result of ABI is less than 0.9, it is shown that the case is relatively high chance of suffering from Peripheral Arterial Disease.  For further details, doctors can get more information by performing ultrasound scan or angiography on the affected part.

Reference information: veno.com.hk
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年11月4日 星期一

What problems and sign and symptom do Peripheral Arterial Disease causes?

It is commonly happened in the lower limb arteries. The decreased blood flow due to the narrowed arteries, can lead to the lower limbs pain, numbness, muscle fatigue or cramp. At the early stage of this disease, sign and symptom often occurred during walking, but when stop, the sign and symptom will disappear. This is called “Intermittent Claudication”.

If it is untreated, the blood flow will be nearly or completely blocked due to the plaque is being enlarged by accumulating fat or cholesterol on the inner wall of the affected artery. Limited blood supply will make the surrounding tissue dead, causing gangrene foot, and so increasing the infection risk of the affected limbs. At the late stage, critical ischemic limb can be as serious as amputation is required, in order to saving life under the critical situation. 

Those diabetic patients often suffer from Peripheral Arterial Disease. Their nerves are damaged due to diabetes, making patient’s sensation and vision poor. The foot problem is not able to discover easily at the early stage. Ultimately, critical ischemic limb (diabetic foot), one of the Peripheral Arterial Disease also happened on the diabetic patients.

 Reference information: http://veno.com.hk
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年10月31日 星期四

How common is the Peripheral Arterial Disease?

In the United States, around eight to twelve million people is suffering from Peripheral Arterial Disease.

In Hong Kong, the population is aging, the average life span is becoming longer, also with the high calorie and fatty diet culture, the number of people suffering from this disease will be also gradually increase and become younger.

Reference information: http://veno.com.hk
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年10月28日 星期一

What is Peripheral Arterial Disease?

What is Peripheral Arterial Disease?
        Peripheral Arterial Disease refers to the blood vessels of lower limbs narrowed. That impedes the blood flow to lower limbs via arteries, causing the surrounding tissue ischemic.

What causes Peripheral Arterial Disease?
        The majority of those patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease are suffering from the hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, or hypertension. A plaque is usually formed and builds up in the inner wall of the arteries, narrow the artery. If at the same time, age over 50, having smoking habit, family history, or suffering from the chronic illness, such as chronic renal disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, the risk of suffering Peripheral Arterial Disease is much higher.

        Reference information: http://veno.com.hk
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年10月24日 星期四


1. 壓力襪與坊間購買得到的壓力襪有甚麼不同呢?

2. 一對壓力襪可穿著多久? 長時間穿著會否失去它的作用呢?

資料來源:  veno.com.hk

2013年10月22日 星期二



壓力襪一般分為兩大類: 預防及醫療型。預防型的壓力襪是適合沒想到患上靜脈曲張的人穿著,可按照個人喜好來選擇壓力襪的鬆緊度。而醫療型的壓力襪是按照靜脈曲張患者的小腿淋巴腫脹程度來選擇。

資料來源: veno.com.hk

2013年10月17日 星期四

謝卓華醫生訪問 (Part 3)

資料來源: veno.com.hk

2013年10月15日 星期二

謝卓華醫生訪問 (Part 2)

資料來源: veno.com.hk

2013年10月11日 星期五

謝卓華醫生訪問 (Part 1)

資料來源: veno.com.hk

2013年10月8日 星期二




資料來源: veno.com.hk/

2013年10月5日 星期六



資料來源: veno.com.hk

2013年10月2日 星期三

個案分享1 : 靜脈曲張治療前後

靜脈腔內激光是一種微創的靜脈曲張治療方法,創傷性遠低於傳統的大隱靜脈抽取手術,並­因造成的疤痕較少而為病人提供更理想的外觀。 治療的原理是於靜脈血管內(靜脈腔內)使用激光能量,以破壞已有毛病的血管。

資料來源: veno.com.hk

2013年9月26日 星期四

Update in Diagnosis and Treatment for Varicose Veins (Part 1-2)

(This Self Study Series was prepared by Dr. Tse Cheuk Chad, Specialist in General Surgery, Vascular Surgeon.)

Etiology (EC,P,S,N)
Four categories in this classification are: Congenital, Primary, Secondary, and None. Arteriovenous malformations represent an obvious congenital (C) etiology, it may be the uncommon conditions such as avalvulia (hereditary absence of venous valves). Secondary (S) designates any known cause of venous abnormality. Most commonly, it indicates veins that have been affected by thrombosis. Primary (P) refers to all others such as primary valvular reflux. None (N) indicates for no evident etiology of CVD.

Anatomy (AS,P,D,N)
Simple designation of one (or more) of the three major lower extremity anatomic venous systems (superficial, perforating, and deep veins) is sufficient to localize the site of the abnormality and will probably affect the treatment recommendations.

Pathophysiology (PR,O,R-O,N)

The veins may occur either reflux (R), obstruction (O), or in combination (R-O). Reflux is defined as reverse flow with a duration of >0.5 second by duplex analysis. Meanwhile, obstruction is defined objectively by imaging or noninvasive testing. (N) indicates no abnormality detected.

Duplex Ultrasound

Duplex Ultrasound is B-mode ultrasound with colour Doppler, usually done by using a high frequency (7.5-10MHz) transducer. It is noninvasive, and has evolved to become the most important imaging study for patients with varicose veins. Colour flow scanners allow direct visual representation of flow with a change of colour from red to blue depending on the flow is toward or away from the probe. Reflux is best demonstrated with the patient in the standing position. The duplex examination is essential in planning for treatment, and also important to identify the specific points of reflux so that treatment is appropriate and reduces the chance of recurrence.


This classification is targeted at all forms of venous insufficiency. Physicians in general practice should be aware that CVD consists of a spectrum of clinical manifestations, ranging from simple telangiectasias, to the commonly seen varicose veins and the debilitating venous ulcers. The transition from one clinical stage to the other is progressive, but the deterioration rate and symptoms depends on the underlying etiology, anatomy and pathophysiology. In the presence of minimally invasive options in addition to conventional surgery in treating CVD, treatment can now be tailored to individual patients based on their clinical status and symptoms. In the next issue, minimally invasive options will be discussed further.

Reference information: http://veno.com.hk
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年9月23日 星期一

Update in Diagnosis and Treatment for Varicose Veins (Part 1-1)

(This Self Study Series was prepared by Dr. Tse Cheuk Chad, Specialist in General Surgery, Vascular Surgeon.)

Venous disease has very diverse clinical presentation, ranging from simple spider veins, unsightly varicose veins to debilitating venous ulcer. All of these are now grouped under the term Chronic Venous Disorder (CVD). In the US, it is estimated that 10-35% of the adult population has some form of CVD. The problem is more common in women as a result of pregnancy and child bearing.
Although it is rarely a life- or limb-threatening problem, the disease greatly impacts quality of life. Many people affected are in their most productive years of life. They usually seek medical advice for cosmetic and health concerns.

This article will describe the current classification and diagnosis of CVD. Treatment with emphasis on minimally invasive therapy will be discussed in the next issue.

Classification of for Chronic Venous Disorder (CEAP)
The CEAP classification was introduced by the American Venous Forum in 1994 and was revised in 2004. It is now widely adopted around the world and is considered as the reporting standard for venous disease nowadays. The goal was to stratify clinical levels of venous insufficiency. The four categories selected for classification were: clinical state (C), etiology (E), anatomy (A), and pathophysiology (P). The CEAP classification helps to provide guidance in choosing the appropriate treatment for such patients.

The Clinical Classification (C1,2,3,4,5,6,A,S)

The Clinical classification is the foundation of the concept. The six CVD categories range from small, thread-like veins to edema, discoloration, induration, and ulceration. Each is clearly defined in Table 1.C-0 is appropriate for those individuals with objective evidence of venous disease (i.e. E,A, and/or P), but with no clinical manifestations. The extent of varicose disease, along with the other clinical findings is categorized in the severity score. For clinical class 4 is now subdivided into (a) pigmentation and/or eczema, and (b) lipodermatosclerosis and/or atrophie blanché, based upon observational survey data suggesting that lipodermatosclerosis or atrophie blanché (4b) was more likely to progress to more severe disease.

Subscripts are applied to designate S (symptomatic) from A (asymptomatic) limbs. Complaints qualifying for the S subscript include aches, pain, tightness, skin irritation, heaviness, muscle cramps, and other complaints that may be attributable to venous dysfunction.


Reference information: http://veno.com.hk
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年9月20日 星期五

隱蔽的定時炸彈: 腹主動脈瘤(4)








謝卓華 外科專科醫生

應向醫生查詢,而不應單倚賴以上提供的資料。資料來源:醫藥人 ISSUE 145

隱蔽的定時炸彈: 腹主動脈瘤(3)







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l   高血壓
l   高膽固醇
l   糖尿病
l   抽煙




應向醫生查詢,而不應單倚賴以上提供的資料。資料來源:醫藥人 ISSUE 145