2017年5月24日 星期三

壓力襪泵血上心 靜脈曲張宜慎選

近年壓力襪的使用漸漸普及,既有跑步及行山人士歡迎的「運動型」,亦有愛美一族使用的「瘦腿型」。有外科專科醫生指出,其實這些普及型壓力襪的原理,是沿 自傳統用於控制靜脈曲張的「醫用型」壓力襪。其特點是使用「漸進式壓力」,壓力由腳跟開始向上順着小腿及大腿方向逐漸遞減,即在腳跟位置之壓力為最大,而 在小腿或大腿位置壓力為最輕。

外科專科醫生謝卓華表示,上述普及型壓力襪的原理,是仿效足部活動時,小腿肌肉收縮及放鬆, 將血液向上排走,避免血液在小腿及足踝位置積聚,加速下肢血液回流至心臟,減少下肢靜脈承受壓力。「一般來說醫用型壓力襪,是用於靜脈曲張及蜘蛛網狀靜脈 等患者,具紓緩症狀、減慢病情惡化功用。由於此類襪壓力較大,最好由醫護人員處方後才使用比較安全,而包裝上亦會註明該襪所提供之壓力度數,確保妥善使 用。」謝卓華說。


曾有靜脈曲張的患者,以為穿一對「緊一點」的襪也有同樣效果,結果令 血液循環更差,足部發脹。謝解釋,這是因一對普通襪設計最緊的地方,一般是在襪頂,即大腿或小腿位置,這樣便會令足部血液回流更困難。早前亦有報道指,有 人因長期穿着設計不當的美腿壓力襪,反而令靜脈曲張更容易出現,就是這個原因。



謝卓華 外科專科醫生 

資料來源: http://www.metrohk.com.hk/index.php?cmd=detail&id=301792

2017年5月23日 星期二

如何診斷靜脈曲張? - 超聲波血管掃描(Duplex Ultrasound Scan)

診斷靜脈曲張除了需要根據患者的病歷,由經驗豐富的專科醫生為患者進行臨床檢查亦十分重要,至於超聲波血管掃描(Duplex Ultrasound Scan)則更能準確顯示功能不良的靜脈血管,有助醫生為病人制訂合適的治療方案。


資料來源: http://www.veno.com.hk/varicose-vein-examination.html

2017年5月17日 星期三

RadioFrequency Ablation (RFA) (2)

4. How soon after RFA can I return to normal activity?

Walking immediately following the procedure is encouraged and normal daily activity can be resumed immediately. For those into sports and heavy lifting, a delay of 5-7 days is recommended.

5. What are the key benefits of RFA?

RFA can be performed entirely under local anaesthesia in most cases. It is applicable to the majority of patients including those with pre-existing medical conditions or medications preventing the administration of a general anaesthetic. Cosmetic outcomes from RFA are far superior to stripping. Patients report minimal bruising, swelling or pain following the procedure. Many return to normal activities immediately.

6. Is RFA suitable for all varicose veins?

The majority of varicose vein can be treated with RFA. However, the procedure is mainly for large varicose veins. It is not suitable for veins which are too small or too tortuous, or with an atypical anatomy. There are many other alternatives for treating varicose or spider veins. Our specialists can help you choose the best option.

Reference information: http://veno.com.hk/radiofrequency-vein-ablation.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. 

2017年5月16日 星期二

RadioFrequency Ablation (RFA) (1)

1. What is the Radiofrequency Ablation of Varicose Vein?

RFA a minimally invasive treatment alternative to the traditional vein stripping surgery for varicose veins and gives better cosmetic results with less scarring. The principle is that by removing the abnormal vein by applying radiofrequency energy inside the vein (‘endovenous’) to destroy (‘ablate’) it.

2. How is RFA done?

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis with the patient awake. The entire procedure is done under ultrasound visualisation. After a local anaesthetic is injected into the thigh area, the laser fibre is threaded into the vein through a small puncture hole. Then radiofrequency energy is released which heats up the wall of vein and causes it to collapse. Radiofrequency energy is released continuously as the fibre moves along the whole length of the diseased vein, resulting in the collapse and ablation of the varicose vein. Following the procedure, a bandage is placed over the entry site, and additional compression is applied. Patients are then encouraged to walk and resume all normal activities

3. How is RFA of varicose vein different from conventional surgery?

RFA does not require general anaesthesia and is a less invasive procedure than vein stripping. The recovery period is also shorter than surgery. Patients usually have less post-operative pain, less bruising, faster recovery, fewer overall complications and smaller scars.


Reference information: http://veno.com.hk/radiofrequency-vein-ablation.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. 

2017年5月10日 星期三






資料來源: AM730

2017年5月9日 星期二

CO2 Laser Surgery

CO2 Laser circumcision is a new technology for circumcision. It uses laser, as opposed to a surgical knife, to remove the redundant foreskin. This new technology is preferred over traditional surgery as it can perform the dual task of circumcision and stopping the bleeding simultaneously. Even bleeding from the capillaries can be effectively stopped. During the circumcision, the laser knife removes the redundant foreskin using an arc-like motion, which results in a neat incision. Apart from effectively helping the surgeon control the area to be circumcised, laser circumcision is also suitable for patients with different penis sizes and lengths, making it preferable over traditional surgery that makes incisions in straight lines.

Reference information: http://circum.com.hk/laser-circumcision.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your physicians for diagnosis and treatment. 

2017年5月5日 星期五








新聞來源: AM730

2017年5月4日 星期四

隊啤再沖涼 男子「爆肚」狂流4升血








資料來源: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/china/20160811/55479948