2016年12月28日 星期三


足部傷口非常普遍,如運動創傷、鞋子不適,甚至剪甲時弄損等。一般情況下,傷口可在數天或周內自行愈合,但若患者是腳部血液循環欠佳人士,傷口可以數星期 甚至數個月仍未愈,故若發現自己足部有此情況,應及早接受醫生檢查,以作出正確診斷。最重要是診斷出因動脈或靜脈問題而引起的潰瘍,並根治背後的血管毛 病。並非所有個案都需要手術的,當血管問題已處理或排除,傷口便會由足部治療師或傷口專科護士協助,提供傷口護理支援。

足部治療師主要就病人的足部健康問題,提供傷口護理及制訂日常預防及保養方案,是治療足部傷口團隊裏的重要成員。 他們會用適當的敷料護理傷口潰瘍,並會測試足部的神經線感覺、動脈血液循環是否良好,最重要是於傷口進展情況不理想時,能作出適時的轉介至血管外科,避免 病情惡化或出現併發症等。

即使傷口已愈合,足部治療師亦會就着患者本身的健康狀況,提供日常護理建議,避免傷口復發。他們會評估是否需訂製具保護性能的鞋襪或特製鞋墊,並教導病人 如何清潔足部、修剪腳甲等。這些服務,對高危一族,如糖尿病、慢性靜脈功能不全,下肢動脈阻塞,足部神經麻木等病人,實在非常重要。


新闻来源:  http://www.am730.com.hk/

2016年12月21日 星期三

Gastroscopy (2)

4. During the Gastroscopy, what do I need to cooperate for making procedure go smooth?

Firstly, doctor will give the anesthetic throat spray for local anesthesia. If necessary, relaxants or painkillers may be given intravenously to relieve the patient anxiety or stress. Patients should follow the doctor advice and gradually swallow the slender endoscope. Meanwhile, patient is able to breathe as usual. If keeping relax and cooperate, the whole procedure can be completed in minutes. Doctor can also get biopsy or specimen from the patient's stomach for laboratory test. Patient will not feel the pain under this process. Also for some other cases, doctor can treat the bleeding site in case it is found during the endoscopy.

5. After Gastroscopy, any follow-up or points to note for patients?

The throat anesthesia will last for about an hour after the endoscopy examination. Do not do the mouthwash immediately. Allow to drink or eat after at least 1 hour or doctor assessment. If patient has under the relaxant injection, he/she will forget some examination memory, so it is advised they should be accompanied by relatives or friends, to listen to the preliminary examination report and take care of patient when going home.

6. What is the adverse effect(s) of Gastroscopy?

Patients usually feel a sore throat, a small amount of flatulence and dizziness after gastroscopy, which will be subsided shortly. Gastroscopy may cause the stomach perforation, inner lining bleeding, but very rare to occur.

Reference information:  http://esteemmedical.com.hk/gastroscopy.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your physicians for diagnosis and treatment. 

2016年12月20日 星期二

Gastroscopy (1)

1. What is Gastroscopy?

Gastroscopy is the use of endoscope, going into upper digestive system through the patient's mouth, esophagus, into the stomach, duodenum and jejunum. The doctor can observe the internal status in order to carry out the examination, diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

2. What is the function of Gastroscopy?

By the use of endoscope, doctor can check the internal conditions of the upper digestive system (esophagus, stomach, duodenum and jejunum). If necessary, the doctor can perform some treatments as follow:

    Biopsy collection for lab test
    Removal of foreign body
    Varicose veins treatment
    Laser treatment
    Pyloroplasty for Pyloric Stenosis
    Inner lining hemostasis

3. Before Gastroscopy, what do I need to prepare and pay attention?

Points to note for patients before gastroscopy:

Sign the consent form for receiving gastroscopy examination or treatment after well understanding with doctor’s explanation.
Do not eat within 6 hours before the examination in order to avoid aspiration when inducing vomiting, and provide a clear vision view for gastroscopy.
Follow doctor’s instruction for arrangement of taking the chronic illness medication (diabetes, hypertension, or drug allergy).
Follow the date, time and place for meeting the appointment of the gastroscopy.


Reference information:  http://esteemmedical.com.hk/gastroscopy.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your physicians for diagnosis and treatment. 

2016年12月13日 星期二








有的說可以醫的為什麼不醫,難道等爆破了流血時才動手術嗎?況且每天帶着計時炸彈,不知何時爆,什麼也做不了,像在等死,這才最受罪! 正是公說公有理、婆說婆有理。



資料來源: AM730

2016年12月7日 星期三

Causes of Goiter

Goiters are not equivalent to hyperthyroidism. Goiter describes hyperplasia of the thyroid gland which most commonly due to problems with the immune system. However, the increase in size of the thyroid gland does not have any relationship with the amount of hormone to be secreted.

In the more underdeveloped countries, goiters could be caused by iodine deficiency, as patients may not be able to intake enough iodine from seafood to fulfill their body needs. This causes the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 in the blood to be lower than normal, prompting the pituitary glands to continuously secrete TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormones), stimulating growth of the thyroid glands.

Amazing Seaweed – Nutritious, Low in Calorie and Prevent Goiter


Seaweed, which grows in the ocean, has excellent source of minerals especially iodine that can possess powers to prevent goiter. Goiter refers to over-production of thyroid hormones, leading to enlargement of the thyroid glands. Iodine is essential to maintain proper functioning of thyroid glands, which helps to regulate body’s metabolism, growth, temperature, heart rates etc., and deficiency in iodine can lead to a disease called goiter. Large and thick neck resulted from goiter that affects nearby organs such as esophagus and trachea may lead to dysphagia and breathing difficulty, while stunted growth and mental retardation can be seen in children with goiter due to hypothyroidism.

Seaweed is categorized into three main groups, and they are red, green, and brown seaweeds. Brown seaweed has the highest iodine content, with dry kelp contains 1500-8000 ppm (parts per million), while red and green seaweeds have lower contents, about 100-300 ppm in dried seaweed, but still considered as high when compared to other land plants. Adults and children who are actively growing are recommended to have a daily intake of 150 µg and 90-120 µg iodine respectively, which is actually covered by very little amount of seaweed, as only one gram of dried brown seaweed can already provide 500-8,000 µg of iodine. Thus, just a tablespoon of seaweed is already enough for recommended daily intake.

In addition to iodine, seaweed is also an excellent source of calcium and iron, which is especially suitable for vegetarians who avoid dairy and meat products. Therefore, seaweed is highly recommended to be included in our diet. This can be done by sprinkling kelp flakes onto a salad or soup, wrapping rice or vegetables using nori sheets or having seaweeds snacks during tea time. Although iodine intake may be related to the situation of Goiter, other factors can also lead to Goiter. Thus, it is recommended to seek a doctor immediately for medical check when the problem of thyroid enlargement arises.

Reference information: http://www.thyro.com.hk/goiter-thyroid.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

2016年12月6日 星期二





作者為外科專科醫生 謝卓華

資料來源: AM730